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Results for Shaykh Ibrahim Abdul-Malik PhD EdD

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Learning to Lead: Lessons in Leadership for People of Faith Learning to Lead: Lessons in Leadership for People of Faith by Rev. Willard W. C. Ashley Sr., Shaykh Ibrahim Abdul-Malik PhD EdD, Rev. Carlos Alejandro MS MDiv BCC, Rev. Msgr. Richard Arnhols MDiv, Rev. David Billings DMin, Lisa V. Blitz LCSW-R, Miyon Chung MACSW MATh PhD, Rev. Warren L. Dennis MDiv DMin, Antoinette Ellis-Williams MPA PhD, Jeffrey R. Gardere PhD, Rev. Bill Gaventa MDiv, Micheal Gecan BA, Rabbi Diana S. Gerson MAHL, Rev. Brita L. Gill-Austern MDiv PhD, Lisa Sharon Harper MA MFA, Phyllis Harrison-Ross MD, Imam Muhammad Hatmim PhD DMin, Rev. Renee S. House MDIv PhD, Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale MDiv, Rev. Sally N. MacNichol MDiv PhD, Rev. Gregg A. Mast MDiv PhD, Anne Masters MA, Rabbi Craig Miller BA MAFM, Rev. Anthony Miranda, Rev. Rose Niles MDiv DMin, Tanya Pagan Raggio-Ashley MD MPH FAAP, Rev. Kevin Park MDiv PhD, Mary Pender Greene LCSW-R CGP, Rabbi Joseph Potasnik BA MS JD, Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts MBA MHL BCJC, Rev. Lee B. Spitzer MDiv DMin, Rev. Julie Taylor MDiv CTR EMT-B, Ronald Thomas MHCS SWP, Rev...

Learning to Lead: Lessons in Leadership for People of Faith

by Rev. Willard W. C. Ashley Sr., Shaykh Ibrahim Abdul-Malik PhD EdD, Rev. Carlos Alejandro MS MDiv BCC, Rev. Msgr. Richard Arnhols MDiv, Rev. David Billings DMin, Lisa V. Blitz LCSW-R, Miyon Chung MACSW MATh PhD, Rev. Warren L. Dennis MDiv DMin, Antoinette Ellis-Williams MPA PhD, Jeffrey R. Gardere PhD, Rev. Bill Gaventa MDiv, Micheal Gecan BA, Rabbi Diana S. Gerson MAHL, Rev. Brita L. Gill-Austern MDiv PhD, Lisa Sharon Harper MA MFA, Phyllis Harrison-Ross MD, Imam Muhammad Hatmim PhD DMin, Rev. Renee S. House MDIv PhD, Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale MDiv, Rev. Sally N. MacNichol MDiv PhD, Rev. Gregg A. Mast MDiv PhD, Anne Masters MA, Rabbi Craig Miller BA MAFM, Rev. Anthony Miranda, Rev. Rose Niles MDiv DMin, Tanya Pagan Raggio-Ashley MD MPH FAAP, Rev. Kevin Park MDiv PhD, Mary Pender Greene LCSW-R CGP, Rabbi Joseph Potasnik BA MS JD, Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts MBA MHL BCJC, Rev. Lee B. Spitzer MDiv DMin, Rev. Julie Taylor MDiv CTR EMT-B, Ronald Thomas MHCS SWP, Rev...

ISBN 13: 9781683361695

Format: Paperback (384 pages)
Publisher: SkyLight Paths
Published: 18 Oct 2012

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